Wednesday, August 29, 2012

American Flag, Rainbows, and God

The American Flag: What does it mean to you?

What impression does the America flag leave on you? Think about that… Is it Hope… Is it hopelessness… is it a promise for a future…. Is it a loss of happiness… Is it hatred… is it a deep appreciation…
I’m sure this flag invokes many emotions, from the worst to the best across this nation and around the world.
As I read an article tonight linked on Facebook ( ) , I was inspired to write about my country, my world and my God.

Now I don’t claim to be well versed in the political arena, but I do want to make a difference in the world. If my one voice, or my one vote really does count, then why don’t I always see the good I long for. I was reminded tonight about purpose. About how every man woman, boy and girl should have the right to food, clothing, shelter…. and beyond those basic needs of survival, every man, woman, boy and girl, should have the right to be treated with dignity, respect, liberty, and justice. But does that happen? Can it happen? Is it even possible for this fairytale sort of utopia wish to come true?  Well I know it’s not possible as long as evil exists in this world. But then what about good? Will the good guys ever truly, ever really, and finally, win the fight? After all that is what keeps us fighting, right? It’s the belief that someday, right will win, and wrong will lose. Good will triumph and Evil will fade away.

So, what’s my point?

The American Flag…. Well my point runs deeper than the flag… the symbol I would use to represent my point would actually be much more colorful. I would use a rainbow. A rainbow in its most original, archaic and natural form: a form of purpose, commitment, and covenant. This symbol that comes after a rain is a promise from the past as well as a promise from the God of all time.

So what sort of promise comes from a God who would allow evil to exist?

Hmm…………………………… That's one to think over..........................................................................

All I know is what I’ve been told, experienced, and have searched out for myself. And I do know that this God of promise has a purpose of love and good for every individual on this planet. God loves. He really does. He loves and He actively participates to bring the best to a world of people who very often favor evil and hatred over goodness and love.

So, again, what is my point? Well as I read an article talking about how our politicians dodge highlighting issues such as poverty, it made me cringe.

So, here is my point and my plea. If you are on American soil today or better yet if you are on planet earth…  remember the poor, the widow, the orphan. Stop to think about the suffering child on the street, the widowed woman next door, the hungry foreigner who is mistreated and taken advantage of. Remember the downcast. Don’t just remember like you do when you think of a memory. GO Comfort that child with food, clothes, perhaps, even a glass of water. GO visit that lonely widow, who just wants her life to end today. GO care for the crippled, the mentally handicapped. Remember that if you have something to give, give it. That is how we will change this country. That is how we will change this world. Love.. Have compassion. And Love some more. <3

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

The Woman of God: What does the Bible say about her?

“Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.”

From the Old Testament to the New, God has something to say about women. But what is it? What does God say about women? What are our roles? Are we to be equal with men? What about ministry? I am setting out on a quest to find out what God is saying about my gender…Come along if you’d like….
2 places in Scripture that I looked at today:
1Timothy 2: 9-15
In 1 Timothy, under a heading – Instructions on Worship –  Women are instructed to dress modestly with propriety and with good deeds. It also talks about a woman not having authority over a man and being saved through childbearing- “if they continue in faith, love and holiness with propriety.”
Proverbs 31:10-31
Proverbs is talking about – The Wife of Noble Character- and talks about a woman who works diligently, “who watches over the affairs of her household and does not eat the bread of idleness.”  It says she is clothed with strength and dignity. “Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.” Proverbs 31:30 NIV

.....She is worth far more than rubies...

So, women of God any thoughts?

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Emily- by My good friend Melanie Colón

E legant young lady
M y good friend                       
I love her so much!
L inda, linda, linda!
Y ou are awesome  

Sunday, January 15, 2012

My Beginning

Some would say that it started with a cry. A baby being born. Maybe even conception. But God says contrary.

He knew me before. Before I was conceived. He knew me before I was in my mother's womb. And He loved me then and still now and forever more... He spoke His purpose for me over my life. And what a beautiful purpose He has for me. If I will only let Him have it!

I've recently wondered... What was going on in the world or in eternity when God spoke me into existence. When He took the time, then God of the universe, took the time... To speak life into me. Yes of course, the biological things happened, but that was after. That was after. When was God's first thought of me? Was it moments before? Was it before time? Did He know in all eternity that I would one day exist.

Words for thought....

What about the birth of Jesus. What about the birth of Adam. And Eve. And Moses. And David. And John the beloved. What about Paul and Barnubus. What about Martin Luther King? What about President Barack Obama. What about the widow in your neighborhood. What about the orphan on the street. What about the woman in shackles in a prostitution ring. What about me? What about you? What is God's thoughts towards you? See you may think you know.........

But, we have fogged vision on this earth. Because the truth is God LOVES YOU! God loves Barack Obama and God loves the orphan. And GOD LOVES ME. This was my beginning. This was your beginning. God carefully molded, shapes and contemplated each and every part, each and every structure of your face, your toes, your nose and your heart. HE DID IT BECAUSE HE LOVED YOU THEN. AND HE LOVES YOU NOW! That was my beginning... THAT is our DESTINY! Will you embrace it? I WILL!

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Who am I?

I am a woman that lives in a world where there is destruction and pain. I live in a world where a war has been waged and an attack issued. Not only has this war of hatred been waged on me, but also on every single human being. 

A decision has to be made. I can only decide for myself, but I'm hoping that in fighting the battle and standing my ground, others will see that it is a battle worth fighting. 

Simply put the decision is whether or not you will know and hear and follow the voice of God. The one true God. He is God in three persons. God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. He came to earth in human form as the Son of God, Jesus Christ. It was around 2000 years ago that God came to earth. He not only came to earth, but He came to tell us that we can have life, love, peace, joy, and everything we will ever really need in Him and through Him. 

You can learn more about Him in the Bible. The Scriptures of old. They originated with the Jewish people, the Israelites. And when Jesus came through the Jewish race, He wanted everyone to know that He loves them and He wanted to show each and every person to the eternal love and life of God. 

See the battle lives on in each and everyone of us. What is our purpose? What happens when we die? A battle is being fought for your soul. But you alone can choose if you will accept life or death. If you choose to surrender to God, then you will win the battle! Jesus came to earth died on a cross, and because He is God, He could not and would not be held down by death. He rose again! He wants to help you fight the battle and win! 

So, I'm also on a quest for a promise. A promise of purpose. A promise of life on earth. And a promise of eternal life. I'm most excited to see Jesus face to face and to enjoy eternity with Him, but also, I'm excited to journey with His Holy Spirit everyday on earth. Today I choose to follow Jesus. Today I choose to obey Him. Today I choose to Love God and to Love People.